Stop dating someone who engages in these behaviors. Look, life is complex enough. I’m not sure about you, but there’s no time to waste, nor is there time for games. There are those people who consistently demonstrate that they are not worth your efforts or attention. When you approach them, don’t just walk away; flee!
I begin with a story about a person I once knew. He was a successful company executive with a promising future, at least till he married. He had everything going for him—everything a young man would check off his success list as done. But he made a serious mistake—a bad decision—when he decided to date and subsequently marry a specific woman. The indicators were there, bright on the wall, but he ignored them, possibly because he believed that, despite the obvious red flags he could see before making that last commitment, love could triumph above all.
I’m sorry to hear this, but he paid with his life just three months into his marriage. my is a genuine story, but in order to respect his friends and family, as well as those who may know who I’m referring to, I’ve left out many specifics in my brief narration.
The purpose of this little spiel is to emphasize the importance of factors other than physical appearance, position, and money when choosing a life mate. Of course, before you get to that point, you need to date a few people—the appropriate ones.
Dating someone is one of the most significant and life-changing decisions you can make. Choosing the proper person can provide you with a truly fantastic life, yet rushing to find a life mate may result in one of your worst regrets and downfalls. So, whatever you do, make sure kids don’t do the things I’m going to discuss in today’s video. Let’s dive right in.
Number one: They continue to flirt with other people.
How bad is it to go out to a public place and see someone flirt with another person right in front of you, even if it’s only a waiter or waitress? I apologize, but those activities are a clear indication that they are capable of cheating and being disloyal. You should be the one they are laughing and thrilled about. If you don’t get rid of them right now, they could cause you unbearable pain in the future. Flirting is not as innocuous as some people believe, and it is not fun and games when you are in a committed relationship. It should never be classified as such. If they continue to flirt with other people while dating you, it is nothing but a red sign.
Number two: They become suspicious anytime you ask to view their phone.
This is a contentious issue, and I’d want to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Let me know. In my perspective, this is a severe warning flag. It could suggest they’re concealing something or withholding information they don’t want you to know. The question you should be asking yourself at this time is “What is it?” What are they withholding? What are they hiding and why?
A relationship cannot grow until it is built on trust. Think of it this way: You will be entrusting your life to this person. Every night you go to bed with them, you’ll close your eyes, hoping that they won’t snuff you out like a candle while you sleep. Every time you cook or eat a dish they’ve made, you’ll believe it’s not poisoned. Now, if this person cannot trust you enough to reveal something as minor and possibly unimportant as a phone number or a password, what else can you trust them with? I recognize that everyone has skeletons in their closets, some more than others. However, after a while of dating, I feel that if someone is sincere about you, they will want to come honest and tell you significant facts, particularly those that may have an impact on your relationship. If you meet someone who is acting suspiciously, it is another red flag.
Number three: They won’t offer you a title.
This occurs frequently. Here’s a hint: If you’ve been seeing someone for more than three months and they refuse to name you girlfriend or boyfriend, they’re simply not committed to you. Nothing positive can emerge from someone who isn’t sure what they want. People are often afraid to ask for relationship definitions because they don’t want to appear needy. This is how people wind up being dragged along for months on end, letting the other party off the hook, and then whining to everyone who will listen about how they were used when they are finally discarded.
There is nothing wrong with asking someone you have grown close to over time to clarify the nature of your relationship. Remember, there’s nothing weak about it. Let them explain what’s going on.
Number four: They do not care about you.
Now, as a man, never date a woman who does not care about you. If all she seems to do is take, take, take, she could have ulterior reasons. Women are natural nurturers. A good woman does not need to be prompted to care for her guy, and her care manifests itself in a variety of ways, ranging from physical to emotional. In the same spirit, if you’re a woman, never date a man who won’t protect you—from both the small and large problems in life. Does he ensure your safety while you cross a busy road? Does he stand up for you during a verbal argument? If he doesn’t, he may be unsuitable for dating. A guy should want to do these things because the desire to protect and provide is ingrained in his DNA.
Number five: They do not keep their word.
When someone does not keep their word, it simply shows that they do not respect you. Trust me, keeping your word entails more than simply doing what you say you would do. It is about showing that you have someone’s back. It doesn’t matter how simple the work is—if you say you’ll do it, do it. That is what establishes credibility, trust, and self-accountability. Failure to keep your word shows your values and standards, as well as how much you value people. If you can’t trust what your date says, how can you trust them with more important things?
Number six: They do not make you a priority in their lives. You deserve someone to make room for you in their lives. You don’t have to consume their lives, but you should be a significant part of it. If they find it difficult to visit you more than once or twice a week, it is a clear indication that you are not a priority. If you’re willing to create room for them in your life, they should do the same. Of course, everyone gets busy, but making time for those who matter to you, even when life is difficult, reveals more about how important someone is to you than anything else.
Number seven: They hold you to a double standard. What is helpful for the goose also benefits the gander. If they’re usually eager to go out drinking with their pals but get upset when you do the same, it’s simply not acceptable. Relationships should be based on fairness, respect, and equality. It is a partnership rather than a master-servant dynamic.
Number eight: They put you down. Some people enjoy making others feel tiny so that they can feel bigger. It’s toxic. If they call you names or make you feel insignificant, they need a rival, not a partner. If your partner makes you feel small, you should leave the relationship. Partners should encourage you to be your best selves.
Number nine: They despise spending time with their friends and relatives.
If they regularly criticize your friends and family, it indicates a lack of regard for you as well. Friends and family play an important role when problems emerge, and they will. If they can’t tolerate the individuals you care about the most, proceed with caution. Do they respect you if they think your family and friends are inferior? No.
Number ten: They transform their faults into yours. If they fail at anything and you apologize for it, that’s a red sign. Such people are manipulative and might harm your mental health, reducing your self-esteem. When you come across folks like this, run. You need individuals who will pull you up, not drag you down.
On the contrary, the people you should remain in your life are those who inspire you to pursue your dreams, raise you up, and keep you optimistic. Don’t date somebody solely for their appearance or money; those things don’t offer satisfaction in the end.